Saturday, August 14, 2010

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star ... Rhyme and Sign Trio

Rhyming and signing are wonderful ways to captivate and engage your little one. The following is a trio of rhymes we will be signing in playgroup during September and October.

Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
Twinkle, Twinkle, LITTLE (sign SMALL) STAR,
How I WONDER what you are?
UP above the WORLD so high,
Like a DIAMOND in the SKY.
Twinkle, Twinkle, LITTLE (sign SMALL) STAR,
How I WONDER what you are?

If You’re Happy and you Know it
If you’re HAPPY and you KNOW it, show a SMILE
If you’re HAPPY and you KNOW it, show a SMILE
If you’re HAPPY and you KNOW it,
Then your FACE will surely SHOW it,
If you’re HAPPY and you KNOW it, show a SMILE

If you’re HAPPY and you KNOW it, clap your hands …

If you’re happy and you KNOW it, stamp your feet …

If you’re happy and you KNOW it, do a little dance … (then you might like to finish with turn around, SIT down).

Zoom, Zoom, Zoom
Zoom, Zoom, zoom (sign FAST)
We’re going to the MOON.
Zoom, zoom, zoom (sign FAST)
We’re going to the MOON.
If you want to take a TRIP,
Climb aboard my ROCKET ship,
Zoom, zoom, zoom (sign FAST)
We’re going to the MOON.
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, blast off! (sign ROCKET)
NB: A word depicted in capital letters denotes a word to sign with your child.

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