Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Get kids moving

The following excerpt is from the blog MOVING SMART (under the post "M" is for Monkeybars : Getting Ready for Writing)

"... Sometimes, it's just not possible to make it over to the playground for a turn on the monkeybars, so here are a couple of my favorites you can do at home to build upper body and core strength while the hands "wait their turn" in the developmental chain of events.

Wheelbarrowing around the playroom or out in the backyard is great for building up arm strength (in between the giggling, of course.)  Importantly, I recommend holding your child at the hips rather than by the feet. This prevents an unnatural bow in the back, while lightening the load on those little arms.

Kids love this and you'll be amazed how far they can go with a little practice. Sit on the floor and raise up your seat using your hands and feet. Then crab - crab - crab along as far as you can go. Have kids go forwards and backwards too!

See how slow you can go, inching along like a caterpillar! Walk your hands out in front of you, then walk your feet up to your hands."

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