Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Easter Egg decorating

An easy activity for all the children in your home

1. Hard boil a half dozen eggs.

(A quick tip for the perfect hard boiled egg)
Place your eggs in a pot, then gently fill the pot with icy cold water, to about an inch above the eggs. Bring the pot to the boil for two minutes at the most.  Then, take the pot off the stove and let the eggs stand for 20 minutes.  Put the eggs into a bowl of cold water, ready to peel.

2. Decorate the hard boiled eggs with crayons.

3. Easter Egg Dye
Dunk the hard boiled eggs into a mixture of 1-2 cups of cold water with 1-2 tablespoons of vinegar and 1-2 tablespoons of food colouring.  Soak the eggs in the dye for approximately five minutes.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Easter Egg Hunt, Crafts and Easter Story, Mar 29

29 Mar : Easter Story & Decorating (9.30am)
Venue: Kirk Hall, St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church
Join in the fun of an Easter Egg Hunt, Easter Egg Decorating, and the Easter story.
There is no charge for this event. RSVP to Sheryl (limited to 10 families - there is ONE place left!).

Saturday, March 3, 2012

Invitation to Messy Church, St.-Michael's, April 14

Families are invited to attend Messy Church/L'Église méli-mélo @ St.-Michael's Saturday April 14 4.00pmLe samedi 14 avril @ 16 h
Messy Church is a chance for families to grow together in faith while having fun. / L’Église méli-mélo donne aux familles l’occasion d’approfondir ensemble leur foi tout en s’amusant.

Stories, music, games, crafts will help us celebrate God’s presence in us and among us ! / Des histoires, de la musique, des jeux, des bricolages nous permettront de célébrer ensemble la présence de Dieu en nous et parmi nous !

Venue: St.-Michael's, 1800 Chemin St. Louis, Sillery,  G1S 1H7, Quebec City

RSVP to: darla_sloan@hotmail.com Tel 418 527 3141 or for more information on Messy Church see Lisa or Sheryl at our next Shining Stars Playgroup on March 15.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

"Wonky Donkey" story and song by Craig Smith

Today's story time at AngloStore featured "Wonky Donkey" by Craig Smith.  Below is a video of Craig's original song and here is a link to reviews on "Wonky Donkey". AngloStore have plenty of copies in stock, if you would like to purchase.

Congratulations to Logan, (a Shining Stars Preschooler) who won the Pin-the-tail-on-the-Donkey competition, and a copy of Wonky Donkey!