Monday, January 30, 2012

Young children show improved verbal IQ after 20 days of exposure to music-based, cognitive training 'cartoons'

Young children show improved verbal IQ after 20 days of exposure to music-based, cognitive training 'cartoons'

Fascinating research, and another reason why I am so passionate about 'music and movement' learning for preschoolers.

Keep on listening to music, singing and moving to the beat, with your children.  I'm a fan of classical music and traditional nursery rhymes for young children.


Sunday, January 15, 2012

Knitting Group meets, Wednesday afternoons, in Old Quebec

Rev. Katherine Burgess has started a Knitting Group, in Old Quebec, on Wednesday afternoons at 2.00pm.

If you are already a knitter, or know someone who knits, then please let them know.  

Interested in learning how to knit?  Rev. Burgess has a supply of knitting wool and needles (enough to get you started) and will help you learn to knit.

The Knitting Group meets in the Kirk Hall of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church.

All welcome.